Dive into the vastness of the cosmos with this breathtaking wide-angle shot of the Prawn Nebula, also known as IC 4628. Spanning a part of the sky almost as large as ten full moons, this image reveals the incredible expanse of one of the southern hemispher sky’s hidden gems.
🦐 The Prawn Nebula (IC 4628): Situated about 6,000 light-years away in the Scorpius constellation, the Prawn Nebula is a spectacular sight. It’s an emission nebula, meaning it glows brightly in the light of the young, hot stars within it. This vast cloud of gas and dust is a bustling nursery where new stars are born, lighting up their surroundings with radiant energy.
🌌 Surrounding Gas Clouds: This image also captures the beautiful and complex gas clouds that surround the Prawn Nebula. These clouds are part of the same stellar nursery, full of regions where future stars are slowly taking shape. The wide field of view allows us to appreciate the scale and beauty of these cosmic constructions, showcasing the intricate structures that are usually hidden from the naked eye.
📸 Captured with:
• ASI 533MC Pro
• Samyang 135mm f/2.8
• IDAS NBZ 2” narrowband filter (H-alpha and OIII)
• ZWO ASI 120MM Guide scope
• Svbony SV165 Finder Scope
• AZ-GTi
🌃 Location & Session Details:
• Sri Lanka
• Bortle 4/5 skies
• Captured in Feb 2023
• Total Integration: 2h40min (300’x32)